Australia Pacific Climate Partnership Alumni Network
May 2020 to May 2024 |
Client: Palladium |
Establishment and management of a climate and DRR alumni network.
Global review throws light on gender-based violence in fisheries

A new study published today in Fish and Fisheries argues that gender-based violence (GBV) cannot be separated from other actions taken to achieve equitable social outcomes through fisheries management.
Institutional Barriers to Climate Finance through a Gendered Lens in Fiji, Samoa and Solomon Islands
January – December 2022 |
Client: The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research / Queensland University of Technology |
Supported civil society organisations in Fiji, Samoa and the Solomon Islands to research gendered-barriers to climate finance
Progressing gender equality in fisheries by building strategic partnerships with development organisations

We are delighted to share Dr Sangeeta Mangubhai’s hot off the press article on “Progressing gender equality in fisheries by building strategic partnerships with development organisations” published by the journal World Development. This work was co-authored by Sarah Lawless, Anna Cowley, Jayshree Mangubhai and Meryl Williams
Gender Transformative Approaches in the Fisheries Sector: An Interview with Dr. Sangeeta Mangubhai

Among the 120 million people who work in wild capture fisheries and post-harvest sectors, nearly 50 percent are women according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Despite women’s key role in the sector, there is often limited awareness of their diverse contributions. Our Shared Seas spoke with Talanoa Consulting Principal Consultant, Dr. Sangeeta Mangubhai to discuss where women’s contributions in the fisheries sector are frequently overlooked as well as best practices for ensuring that both women and men can fully contribute to the solutions space for fisheries management.
Traditional food production and food sharing practices help rural Pacific Island communities weather COVID-19 impacts, study finds

A newly published, seven-country study found that in rural Pacific Island communities that have maintained traditional practices around food production were better able to weather the initial impacts of COVID-19.
Call for Expression of Interest

Consultancy for a Strategy and Monitoring, Evaluation, Reflection and Learning Specialist to support the sustainability of the Australia Pacific Climate Alumni Network
Call for Expression of Interest

Consultancy for a Partnership Brokering Specialist to support the sustainability of the Australia Pacific Climate Alumni Network
Fiji Climate Finance Writeshop Training
December 2021 |
Client: The Commonwealth Secretariat |
Facilitation and technical input to the Fiji Climate Finance Writeshop Training with the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Climate Change Section.
Key links for tenders and related resources

A collection of links providing a short cut to open tenders and procurement notices for consultants, along with some related resources.